My Story, My Why…
Since I was a child I’ve seen the greatestness in people whilst simultaneously being acutely aware of their pain.
I was known as "the cheeky, wise one" who was never shy of sharing a song and dance or my observation of the day.
As the years went on, I became perplexed by how many people were stuck reliving the same unwanted cycles year in and year out.. I was no exception.
The first half of my life I had so many painful recurring cycles that I had to believe I was either hexed or there was a masterplan at play.
For the sake of my sanity, I chose the masterplan.
After a string of toxic relationships, business betrayals and finding those I loved passed away...including both my brothers who used substance to escape their pain; My partner who took his life; My best friends baby from cot death and; My Mum who had a heart attack in the spa bath....It would come as no surprise that I was diagnosed with full blown complex PTSD.
Driving home one night, I was looking into my rear vision mirrior and the blanket in the back seat became an unconsious person.
Everything in me wanted to pull over and give that blanket CPR. It was in that moment I asked myself, “What was happening inside of me to want me to believe something that wasn’t true?“.
It was that Quality Question that led me to unlocking the Power of Perception.
It became my mission to understand how to access the freedom of our essential nature to live by design, no longer default.
I travelled the globe seeking answers.
I studied many modalities, philosophies and science-based approaches to understand why humanity is stuck in the void between pain and potential.
Then it suddenly dawned on me, I had all the pieces to the life puzzle…they just needed to be YOUnited to create a whole and entire process that empowered people to move from… unconscious to conscious; pain to love; fear to freedom; trauma to thriving; lack to liberation and from stuckness to flow.
And so …The SAccess Method™ was born.
The Manual on HOW TO Master the Human Experience.
A PROVEN five phase transformational process that I have the privilege to saying...thousands of people have experienced and are now living the life they were born to live and love.
Within each of us there is an awakening to our true power.
When that power YOUnites through clear intention, emotional mastery & human connection, a quantum tidal wave ripples throughout the human collective awakening consciousness globally.
I like to call it the “YOUnified Field”.
As each of us awaken to our innner power we simultaneously activate our YOUnique gift to contribute to the greater good.
Your difference is the difference you are here to make.
For the SAccess Method™ to be recognized globally by 2026 as a go to transformational process that contributes to tipping the critical mass into accessing, activating and actualizing their potential in Personal Growth, Relationships, Private Practice, Business, Leadership, Youth Support and Organizations.